
How To Track Keywords On Baidu

Baidu SEO - Rank for FAQs and Q&As

With the web becoming increasingly saturated, search engine users have turned to more probing ways of information browsing—like asking straight questions for the answers they seek.

Today's users tin hands look upwardly answers to questions anytime, anywhere—from inquiries about the best skincare brand to how much the cheapest international flying would cost at this stage of the pandemic.

In particular, among its 222+ million agile users, Baidu is rapidly seeing more search queries submitted every bit questions. This shift calls for brands to match search intent with the right keywords—and understand the question behind the query.

Let's examine how to rank college on SERPs for question-related terms and target them on Baidu, China'south #one search engine, using Dragon Metrics—an all-in-1 global SEO platform.

Why Are Question Keywords Significant?

Given their high specificity, question keywords drive quality traffic and are more pertinent than ever on search engines.

Upon entering a general term in Baidu'south search box, at least one-third of the recommended searches show up every bit question terms. This is frequent, in particular, for searches related to cosmetics, gaming, and travel.

1. Baidu Search - Recommended question searches for Skincare product Baidu Search: Recommended question searches for "Skincare product"

2. Baidu Search - Recommended question searches for Game console

Baidu Search: Recommended question searches for "Game console"

3. Baidu Search - Recommended question searches for International flight tickets

Baidu Search: Recommended question searches for "International flying tickets"

Much similar on Google, most of Baidu's organic SERPs for question keywords have a featured snippet, which displays a brusk answer to the question and links to the webpage source.

Also, both search engines analyze semantic search to predict which results would be most useful to users based on their query.

Thus, information technology's disquisitional to optimize your content to appear in question-related featured snippets: By matching true search intent, maximizing SERP existent manor, and linking to your website, featured snippets boost quality traffic to your content.

4. Baidu Search - Featured snippet for What's the best skincare product to use

Baidu Search: Featured snippet for "What's the best skincare product to use?"

5. Google Search - featured snippet for What's the best skincare brand to use

Google Search: Featured snippet for "What's the best skincare brand to use?"

Overall, the advantages of optimizing your webpages for question keywords include:

Increasing organic CTR

Websites that have results appear as featured snippets will rank first on the SERP, likely improving CTR.

Greater brand and production exposure

Yous get greater make awareness by optimizing webpages for question keywords that are make or product-related.

Alluring loftier quality traffic

Past answering critical FAQs in your content to aid potential customers in their purchase decision, your website visitors will increment, mayhap leading to college sales or conversions.

Increasing customer retentivity

Any Q&Equally or landing pages that you optimize for question keywords, peculiarly brand-related, serve every bit a gateway to your main brand website, which will increase client stickiness over fourth dimension.

Targeting The Right Question Keywords

Leveraging real-time data of website traffic, with SEO tools like Dragon Metrics, is an easy and accurate way to research and identify keywords.

In detail, Dragon Metrics' keyword research tool supports Baidu, Google, and Naver, iii of the near used search engines in the world, assuasive you lot to tailor your keyword research to your target market.

6. Dragon Metrics supports Google, Baidu, and NaverDragon Metrics supports Google, Baidu, and Naver

For this article, we selected Baidu to demonstrate how to target question keywords.

7. Dragon Metrics - Keyword Research OverviewDragon Metrics: Keyword Enquiry Overview

After selecting a search engine and entering a keyword, Dragon Metrics automatically provides a variety of ideas relating to your keyword, categorized as:

  • Containing this phrase
    • Similar keywords that incorporate the verbal friction match of your keyword, word-for-word
  • Related topics
    • Keywords that are semantically related to your query, merely don't comprise the original phrase
  • Questions
    • Question keywords that reveal how people are thinking nearly and searching for the keyword

8. Dragon Metrics - Keyword IdeasDragon Metrics: Keyword Ideas

In addition to the question keywords themselves, which tin exist exported as an excel file, you lot can click "View all" under the "Questions" category for useful metrics about the keyword, including:

  • Monthly search volume (MSV) for desktop, mobile, and all devices
  • Monthly search book trend (all devices)
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Paid competition

9. Dragon Metrics - Questions Keywords ListDragon Metrics: Questions Keywords Listing

To narrow down your target question keyword list, the filters at the top let you scour through long keyword lists and include or exclude certain phrases. Additionally, filters are available for MSV, CPC, paid contest, and word count.

To the left of the table, at that place is also a carve up list of the most mutual terms to aid your inquiry.

Pro Tip: When searching for long-tail keywords, we propose using the word count filter.

10. Dragon Metrics - Keyword search filtersDragon Metrics: Keyword search filters

How To Optimize Content For Question Keywords?

I of the simplest ways to optimize your on-page content for question keywords is by creating a frequently asked questions (FAQ) or question-and-answer (Q&A) section on your website.

Here are some on-folio optimization tips and tricks to aid you rank higher on the SERP for question keywords:

  • Respond the question immediately in the starting time paragraph—or better however, the subheading—of your content piece.
  • State the question when answering information technology to improve your webpage's likelihood of getting tagged by Baidu every bit the best answer. For this reason, you lot may want to consider formatting your content with a Q&A.
  • Improve your website authority with high quality content and a credible reply to the question. Provide well-researched information and avoid SEO malpractices.
  • Optimize page readability to entice users to stay longer on your page, similar including images to suspension upward blocks of text. Similarly, write in lists or bullet points wherever possible and ensure that linguistic communication is consistent and piece of cake to digest.


Question-related searches brand upwards a big portion of overall searches on Baidu. Question keyword optimization, in turn, tin help heave your SEO and ROI—past driving organic traffic, earning links, and converting traffic into sales.

Pro-Tip : Equally The Egg's sister company, Dragon Metrics is a proprietary tool developed as the beginning truly global SEO platform that provides rank tracking, onsite optimization reports, link management, keyword research tools, and more for search engines around the earth. In this article, we wait specifically at Dragon Metrics' prowess on Baidu, but Dragon Metrics works for all of the world's major search engines.


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