Every year, some of our near popular events are our Demo Days in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Sacramento. The buzz around the ones coming up this weekend in Colorado and next month in Sacramento is proof of that! And who'd be surprised? We bring in dozens upon dozens of cameras and lenses to provide an opportunity to "try earlier you buy" in a real shooting scenario. (Click hither for more info on Demo Days.) Well, gear junkies, hold onto your seats, because we've constitute another way to let you run wild and free, for free.

We're proud to denote that nosotros've partnered with Olympus to provide a new way to endeavour out some of the latest gear bachelor at no cost. Our Denver and Sacramento locations will exist two of the first four camera stores in the nation to participate in the Test & Wow program, offering four-twenty-four hours loans of select Olympus photographic camera gear and so you can put it through the wringer somewhere you want to shoot. Even if you're already invested in ane organization, with naught to lose, why not experiment with something different? The meaty quality offered by the Micro Four Thirds system can stand alone or complement a bulkier system.

Heading upwardly to the mountains for the weekend but don't desire to bring a massive camera bag? The OM-D E-M10 Marking III Pancake kit is an excellent, pocketable choice for a photographer who won't sacrifice control. Got a child playing in a big game merely oasis't invested in a good long-lens setup? The OM-D E-M1X PRO kit offers a 40-150mm (lxxx-300mm full-frame equivalent view) f/ii.8 lens which will blow any short kit lens out of the water. Already an Olympus shooter and thinking about growing your lens collection? From 7mm to 300mm, y'all can find just the right glass for your favorite subjects.

All you'll need to do is click here to kickoff the registration procedure. Just bring a photo ID to selection upwards your reservation and bring your gear dorsum earlier we close on the fourth twenty-four hour period of your possession. Whatsoever collateral deposit will exist returned, meaning this rental is absolutely complimentary!

Y'all're more than welcome to effort a few, besides, but I'm sure after one you'll desire to try them all. You might fifty-fifty end upwards bringing ane dwelling for expert! I know I beloved my E-M10.

The list of current gear available is below, and if information technology'southward a striking, we may be able to aggrandize to more stores, with more options. Get in at that place and try something new!

Currently-available loaner gear

  • OM-D E-M1X PRO kit (with M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm f/2.eight PRO lens)
  • OM-D E-M1 Mark Two Travel kit (with Grand.Zuiko Digital 12-200mm f/3.5-6.3 lens)
  • OM-D E-M10 Mark III Pancake kit (with Thou.Zuiko Digital xiv-42mm f/three.5-5.6 EZ lens)
  • Chiliad.Zuiko Digital ED 7-14mm f/two.8 PRO lens
  • M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100 f/4.0 IS PRO lens
  • Chiliad.Zuiko Digital ED 25mm f/1.2 PRO lens
  • M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm f/ii.8 PRO lens
  • M.Zuiko Digital ED 75-300mm f/four.8-vi.7 lens
  • Chiliad.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm f/4.0 IS PRO lens
  • M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm f/ii.eight PRO lens