
Can U Use An Arnold Camera

Haven on an Android phone

If you have an sometime telephone lying effectually, you can easily put it to good use by turning information technology into a mobile security photographic camera. With the help of an app by Edward Snowden, information technology's super unproblematic. Here'south how.

Your telephone already has the components of a "real" security camera—namely, a camera lens and an Cyberspace connection. You've been able to practice this with an Android phone for years, but there's a newer way that's even more than secure.

We're going to exist using an app named Haven, which was built by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. You can use the app on most whatsoever Android telephone or tablet, from your old spare sitting in your drawer to a cheap $fifty phone from WalMart. As long as your device has a working camera and microphone, y'all tin use it as a security cam. You can install the Haven beta from the Google Play Shop or compile it yourself from its Github repository.

Haven will work whether your telephone is connected to Wi-Fi or with a USB-to-Ethernet adapter. If you become the wired Net route, make sure to get an adapter that as well carriers ability. The Oasis app itself simply runs on Android devices, merely you lot can set it to alert your iPhone.

Setting Upward Haven on Your Former Phone

Before getting the Haven app set up, brand sure your ideal spot has plenty room for your phone to exist mounted, get power, and where yous can run an Ethernet cable or get Wi-Fi. Once that's settled, open up the Haven app. Swipe through the beginning couple of screens, so select "Configure."

Haven setup screen

Tap "Allow" on the permission prompts for photo, media, and file admission, and to take pictures and record video.

Haven permission prompt on Android

Tap "Allow" on the next permission prompt to take pictures and tape video.

Haven picture and record video prompt on Android

The next screen will be your alive camera feed. Tap the icon in the lower left to switch betwixt the front-facing and rear-facing cameras, and use the slider along the lesser of the screen to set how sensitive you desire the move detection to be. You tin can e'er become dorsum and heighten or lower the move sensitivity to better lucifer your environment. Tap the "Back" in the upper left to meet more options.

Haven app camera feed

Next, accept the permission prompt to tape audio so you tin can hear the surroundings around the photographic camera. Again, utilize the slider at the bottom of the screen to adjust the detection sensitivity. Tap the "Back" button in the upper left again.

Haven audio recording setup

Next, shake the telephone or utilize the slider at the bottom to set the tune the motion detection. This volition allow your camera kickoff recording if the phone physically moves, similar if an intruder starts banging on the side of your house. Tap the "Back" button in the upper left one more than time.

Haven motion detection setup

Swipe through the rest of the introduction screens. Grant permission to send and view SMS letters if you would like SMS alerts sent to your primary phone, and then enter your phone number. Y'all'll need to have an active SIM card set upwardly installed to transport SMS messages, or you can configure Point for alerts in the app settings (more than on that in a moment) if you're just using an Internet connection.

Haven SMS message permission prompt

Swipe through 1 more than screen, so tap "Finish."

Haven setup finished on Android

In one case that'southward done, tap "Start Now" to start monitoring your environment. Tap the Settings gear in the lower-right to adjust the camera, sound, and motion sensitivity, change your SMS or Betoken messaging settings, and more.

Settings page for Haven Android app

Gear up Upward Haven's Video Monitoring

Motion and audio detection are great, but Haven besides lets you tape video for a set period. Tap the Settings gear in the lower-right of the main screen, then turn on the "Video Monitoring" toggle.

Video monitoring enabled on Haven settings page

Tap "Gear up Video Monitoring Length" to choose how long Haven will record the environment.

Video monitoring length selection in Haven

With that, yous have a cheap and reliable security photographic camera! Your events—complete with photos and audio—will automatically be sent via SMS or Point, and you lot can always good back and view events from the one-time phone itself. Continue in mind you'll need to trigger the monitoring manually before heading out, and it'll stay on until you lot manually turn it off again. Fifty-fifty with those minor limitations, this is a peachy way to reuse an old telephone!


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